Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's Your Story?

Wooohooo! Two posts in two days! I'm on a roll.

So, what's your story about His glory? This is something that's really been on my mind lately. Sharing our story. My Sunday School class has been on this the last two weeks, today's sermon was about it, and the Matthew West song, "Next Thing You Know" has been running around and around my head.
Have you ever read the "Left Behind" series? One of the first things they ask new believers they meet is, "So, how'd it happen for you?" Why don't we do that now? We ask new couples how they met, we ask new people to our area what brought them here, why not ask, "So, when did you believe?"
Here's my story. When I was 8 years old, I was attending Vacation Bible School. Olive Gurney was my teacher. I don't remember what the lesson was, but I do remember that it was the first time I realized I had to ask Jesus to be my Savior or I wouldn't be going to heaven. Up until that moment I figured my parents were Christians, so I was a Christian. This was the first time it became personal for me. Of course, there's more to my story, there has to be, or we don't grow, but that's the beginning for me.
So, I'm asking, what's your story for His glory? Share it in the comments section. I can't wait to read them!

And if anyone can tell me how to put a video from YouTube on here, I'd add the Matthew West song. It's perfect for this.

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